Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Photographer for V Shapeshifter Twin Galaxies NZ Tour

V energy recently sent me to take photos on the Shapeshifter tour. Music, venues, people beautiful different towns of New Zealand...A lot of amazing moments.

First thing that struck me was the amount of technology, gadgets and various tech bits that goes into making the perfect performance sound. Racks and racks of equipment and the wizards that man it know just what every tweak and turn of every knob will do. Its like they are putting together a giant puzzle that results in totally overwhelming experience every time.
Crowds were treated and charged with wave after wave of multi forming multi layered soundscapes cohesively brought together by the power of one. Love beauty and energy in all its various forms - Shapeshifter

Monday, August 30, 2010

AUT took my photography to new heights

MEN camp is all about supporting young boys in todays society. AUT is doing a good job at connecting with teenagers which of course is not that easy. So its best to tie them up and elevate them. I had to push myself, I had to get myself to new heights also was especially interesting to see my assistant balancing light modifiers 30 meters above the ground. Magic times.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ABD Paul Langlands Shreads

I recently had a shoot with Paul Langlands who is a very talented rider, heres a few shots we made just before he left our shores to pitch his skills Stateside for the Dew Tour. Paul has a raft of sponsors including ABD here is New Zealand. Check out one of his promo videos here