SCARTT 500 and we had one for the first time in NZ recently. Yep we got the call a few weeks back to start thinking about where to set this cool exciting new product for a branding image that would speak to the farming community of NZ. Well we've been dealing with V-Moto for a while now the parent company of the new side by side 500 cc SCARTT which is so new that land transport havn't got a classification for it yet. I took this puppy for a spin a little after the shoot at nightfall headlight blazing and let it rip along a west coast beach whoa, loved every second of it, felt like a kid in a candy store positively brimming:)))
Nice! Cheers V-Moto for the opportunity to be part of an amazing revolution in the recreational industry well thats how it is for me, farmers may disagree on the usage.
For more on this one of a kind experience visit SCARTT Vrrrrrrrroooooommmmmmmm